Monday, October 10, 2011

As seen on....

Being in the stock footage industry, one never knows who is buying what and from whom. Sure we get information of sales on our collections. But that is about where it ends. But sometimes, one gets lucky and gets to see one's own footage on national programming.

Last night, while flipping channels I ran across a special from MSNBC. It was titled "Erasing Hate". Actually a pretty neat story about a former "skinhead" that changed course and now wanted to have all of his facial tattoos removed. A painful and long process. In any case - While watching I recognized something very familiar. No. I don't have any tattoos. But it seems that program bought some of my footage. I saw these two clips as they jumped out at me:


The latter was even a 4K format (super hi-resolution). It showed too. Whenever I see some of my stuff on the tube it quite frankly makes me want to film lots more. Oh yes! Lots!

If you ever need any really cool footage for your production, I can only recommend Pond5 Stock Footage. Why? Not because I am a contributor, but quite simply because they are now the largest in the world, and yet still give a hoot about not just us artists, but of course the customers as well.

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